
Becoming Deep...

Recently, I found myself in the midst of total chaos. I have a to-do list from hell and a whole slew of projects on my desktop, just waiting to be completed. In the middle of all this, I'm working my day job and building my coaching clientele from referrals. I'm pooped today.

My dream is to be a full-time coach, teacher and writer while making a fortune. My desire is to support myself and my partner completely as a teacher, coach and writer. This is my dream, but in the meantime, as I transition into this phase of my life, I need to sustain myself and that's what becoming deep is all about. How can I eliminate the fluff and get to the essentials?

How can I sustain myself as I work towards a better tomorrow? How can I, today, set it up so that in a year from now, I'm full-time, living my genius and inspiring others to do the same, all the while getting paid a fortune to do so?

I feel wide today, I would even go as far to say thin. And now, it is time for me to go deep. And that is my invitation for you too: What are you needing to delete, delegate or develop in your life? What incompletes do you have laying around the house, on your computer, or in your heart? Don't you think it's time to get deep, to clean house for good?

This week, this is what I'm doing. I'm taking fun on the road inward, on a journey to financial freedom while living fully in my genius, doing the things I love to do. But of course, this journey takes time, so today, I'm writing my game-plan. I'm completing my to-do list, getting current with all the people and projects in my life and stepping on the train to the life of my dreams... one check mark at a time.

Today, do something different: Take some time out for yourself to consider doing the same. Isn't it about time?


Excuses Are No Longer Good Enough!

Excuses are no longer a good enough reason why I don't or can't have what I want. Yes, being content with what I have is important and not to be taken for granted; however, as I reach for more from a place of celebration, it is no longer okay for me to put excuses between me and my goals/desires.

As some of you may know, I recently got engaged. That's right! I am engaged to the man of my dreams (for real) and have the added luxury of being on the receiving end of his fantasy of dream boy, as well. Lucky we are! And, he has taught me a valuable lesson: Not only do I get to enjoy and co-create one of the most amazing, loving and inspiring relationships I know of, but I now believe in myself that I can really create (co-create) what my heart desires.

Stay with me, check this out: I ran into an old friend who I haven't seen for awhile and upon mentioning my new engagement, he said, "Nick James you truly deserve it more than anyone I know, for you have been talking about true love for as long as I have known you." Wow, what a shock, I have!? I guess so, here's what I got from our conversation: You really can have the life of your dreams, but you have to love yourself enough and believe you can create what you desire and you have all the power you need to do so.

I imagine most of us read that sentence and cringed, knowing we can, but never really giving ourselves full permission to dream big and actualize. So, if you can't believe in yourself, right now, take it from me: You can have and enjoy your heart's desire! I can recall years desiring for true love and now, I get to enjoy him and me to the fullest as I do so from a place of pure appreciation. I will never forget all the nights and days I wished for love and my number one actually came true.

So, if I can create this, what else can I create? And that's the invitation I offer to you! But guess what, here's the catch: You're already demonstrating huge amounts of power to create, you're results are showing you so. So, whether it's true love or the lack of, having millions of dollars or none at all, you're current results are showing you you're current unconscious commitments. Simply own, reclaim, feeling your feelings and re-direct your energy and intentions to what does feel good and what you desire.

I know, at this point, it's no longer enough for me to put anything but love between me and my partner, that same is true with all of my other goals and desires... here is the magic of everyday living illustrated – take the invitation. Simply make a commitment to being excuse-free, to no longer putting anything but love and celebration between you and your heart's desires.


Money Problems = Get a better Problem

I'm excited to announce that my dear friend Mary Tebbs and me are launching the revamp of our group The Appreciation Circle. Committed to revolutionizing, on a global level, our relationship with money and abundance, this weekly group held in Salt Lake City is about to change the way we do money for good by creating wealth, from the inside out.

(For those of you out of state, either sign up for my FUN NOTES NEWSLETTER to keep updated or follow the link below to see how you can participate in the money generating game.)

I invite each of you to this group, starting in a couple of weeks (details coming soon), not only to support me actualizing my dream of creating more rich communities (both in love and money) but for yourself to create a life of wealth and happiness.

I believe at this point, we owe it to ourselves to be an example for the rest of the world, money does grow on trees and in our hearts, we simple need to open up to receiving it and get out of the way what's keeping us from our natural birth right: a life of complete and total success.

My invitation: get a better problem, stop making money the issue. In fact, money is a phony issue, for when you take a look at all the ways in which you resist the flow of feeling good in your life, you can be pretty sure it's related to the flow of easeful income you have flowing in. Today, make your focus about appreciating all that you judge to be good and all that you judge to be bad – be willing to get a better problem, join us in two weeks for the launch of The Appreciation Circle.



Where are you? From React to Respond!

Where are you? I'm right here! Well, it seems like part of you is missing.

I asked myself this question earlier this morning when thinking about my "come from" or "posture," in life. As it seems, I've lost myself in so many ways, having given my power away to the economy, my phone provider, my clients - even my partner. I have been allowing myself to be an up-and-down roller coaster of how-I-show-up-in-life based on others' moods and circumstances outside of my control.

Perhaps you have had a similar experience? Rather than responding to life from your core – from your truth – you find yourself reacting to life depending out what's going on around you?

I know, for me, growing up this was all to familiar; depending on how mom and dad were feeling determined how I expressed myself and my behavior. In fact, I see how I'm needing to update my story, as I continue to show up in the world, today, as I did if I were "in trouble" as a child.

I have set my life up so that I side-step the possibility of rejection or failure. I recoil into a smaller version of me, because I feel scared that if I showed up in life – just as I am – as my full self that I would scare the pants out of half the world and/or the other half would flinch in utter disgust.

Funny, I know, but consider how you may have played this out in your own life. How have you withheld an important fact or truth your partner should know or avoided facing into specific situations (I.e., calling your local politician or bill collector) to express yourself or clean up any mess you might have created?

Today, I commit to facing into life as it is, feeling any discomfort I may have and take full responsibility for how I show up in life. The classroom is yours as much as it is mine, today I invite you to express yourself fully, even if for 5-minutes. The reward - total satisfaction.


What If... (continued)

On the path to enjoying the life of your dreams, there is one thing you can do to guarantee complete disaster: Obsess about the things that when you check into your body, just don't feel good to obsess about.

For example, say you're current favorite fascination or obsession is money (or the lack of). By remaining in the judgment and story that you have enough (or not), you keep yourself from actually having a different experience. You literally don't have any room in your body or current story to receive more of the good you might say you want. Its as if we decide that life is a certain way (I.e., I don't have enough money) and by running this script through our minds, over and over, we produce the exact results we say we don't want.

I now see enjoying the life of my dreams as me allowing myself to simply be open and receive. By reminding myself, I might not know everything, I get to be curious how I might actually have a different experience. Once again, here's the power of fun and wonder at work.

In the past, I have caught myself playing out what I call "The Triangle Game" (villain, victim, hero roles) with money. I have found myself arguing for my limitations with money and how I "just don't have enough." Well... as the saying goes: "If you think you can or can't, either way you're right." And so it is with enjoying the life of our dreams, if we aren't open to another option (or don't see that we have one) we'll continue to play out the same story over again, until at some point we either hit a wall and forced to look within or choose so with curiosity.

In regards to money, the best thing you can do is simply ask yourself: If I wasn't obsessing about how little money I had, what would I be doing with my time?

And the answer to that question is the exact thing that will assist you in producing more money than you can imagine while in the obsession. At this point in the game, I believe that when we're anywhere but in "the flow" or "creative open space" we're closed off to all the love, money and joy we say we want and yet, work so hard to create. It's as if we've been doing life backwards... talk about swimming up stream.

Today, my invitation, ask yourself some very important, bold questions:

1) What am I currently obsessing about?

2) What would I be doing if I wasn't obsessing about this?

Extra Credit:

3) How do I feel in my body as I read all this? Is there any truth in these words? What body sensations am I experiencing, right now, in regards to money? Am I willing to love and forgive myself for my current or past experience with money? Am I open to a new experience with money? If I had all the money I wanted and needed, what would I be doing today?

Good Luck. You have all that you will ever need!


What if...

What if you could have the life of your dreams? What would you do?

What if you already are having the right experience to get you to the "places" you want to "go?"

What if you had a full-ride scholarship, so to say, to enjoying the life of your dreams? What would you be doing with all your time and energy?

To be continued...


The World Relase of My New Book!!!

I am so excited to announce the world release of my first book.

Please Join me this Thursday @ 7pm at the Golden Braid Bookstore (151 s 500 e) for the world release of my new book When I Started Having Fun.