
What If... (continued)

On the path to enjoying the life of your dreams, there is one thing you can do to guarantee complete disaster: Obsess about the things that when you check into your body, just don't feel good to obsess about.

For example, say you're current favorite fascination or obsession is money (or the lack of). By remaining in the judgment and story that you have enough (or not), you keep yourself from actually having a different experience. You literally don't have any room in your body or current story to receive more of the good you might say you want. Its as if we decide that life is a certain way (I.e., I don't have enough money) and by running this script through our minds, over and over, we produce the exact results we say we don't want.

I now see enjoying the life of my dreams as me allowing myself to simply be open and receive. By reminding myself, I might not know everything, I get to be curious how I might actually have a different experience. Once again, here's the power of fun and wonder at work.

In the past, I have caught myself playing out what I call "The Triangle Game" (villain, victim, hero roles) with money. I have found myself arguing for my limitations with money and how I "just don't have enough." Well... as the saying goes: "If you think you can or can't, either way you're right." And so it is with enjoying the life of our dreams, if we aren't open to another option (or don't see that we have one) we'll continue to play out the same story over again, until at some point we either hit a wall and forced to look within or choose so with curiosity.

In regards to money, the best thing you can do is simply ask yourself: If I wasn't obsessing about how little money I had, what would I be doing with my time?

And the answer to that question is the exact thing that will assist you in producing more money than you can imagine while in the obsession. At this point in the game, I believe that when we're anywhere but in "the flow" or "creative open space" we're closed off to all the love, money and joy we say we want and yet, work so hard to create. It's as if we've been doing life backwards... talk about swimming up stream.

Today, my invitation, ask yourself some very important, bold questions:

1) What am I currently obsessing about?

2) What would I be doing if I wasn't obsessing about this?

Extra Credit:

3) How do I feel in my body as I read all this? Is there any truth in these words? What body sensations am I experiencing, right now, in regards to money? Am I willing to love and forgive myself for my current or past experience with money? Am I open to a new experience with money? If I had all the money I wanted and needed, what would I be doing today?

Good Luck. You have all that you will ever need!

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