
Becoming Deep...

Recently, I found myself in the midst of total chaos. I have a to-do list from hell and a whole slew of projects on my desktop, just waiting to be completed. In the middle of all this, I'm working my day job and building my coaching clientele from referrals. I'm pooped today.

My dream is to be a full-time coach, teacher and writer while making a fortune. My desire is to support myself and my partner completely as a teacher, coach and writer. This is my dream, but in the meantime, as I transition into this phase of my life, I need to sustain myself and that's what becoming deep is all about. How can I eliminate the fluff and get to the essentials?

How can I sustain myself as I work towards a better tomorrow? How can I, today, set it up so that in a year from now, I'm full-time, living my genius and inspiring others to do the same, all the while getting paid a fortune to do so?

I feel wide today, I would even go as far to say thin. And now, it is time for me to go deep. And that is my invitation for you too: What are you needing to delete, delegate or develop in your life? What incompletes do you have laying around the house, on your computer, or in your heart? Don't you think it's time to get deep, to clean house for good?

This week, this is what I'm doing. I'm taking fun on the road inward, on a journey to financial freedom while living fully in my genius, doing the things I love to do. But of course, this journey takes time, so today, I'm writing my game-plan. I'm completing my to-do list, getting current with all the people and projects in my life and stepping on the train to the life of my dreams... one check mark at a time.

Today, do something different: Take some time out for yourself to consider doing the same. Isn't it about time?

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