
Where are you? From React to Respond!

Where are you? I'm right here! Well, it seems like part of you is missing.

I asked myself this question earlier this morning when thinking about my "come from" or "posture," in life. As it seems, I've lost myself in so many ways, having given my power away to the economy, my phone provider, my clients - even my partner. I have been allowing myself to be an up-and-down roller coaster of how-I-show-up-in-life based on others' moods and circumstances outside of my control.

Perhaps you have had a similar experience? Rather than responding to life from your core – from your truth – you find yourself reacting to life depending out what's going on around you?

I know, for me, growing up this was all to familiar; depending on how mom and dad were feeling determined how I expressed myself and my behavior. In fact, I see how I'm needing to update my story, as I continue to show up in the world, today, as I did if I were "in trouble" as a child.

I have set my life up so that I side-step the possibility of rejection or failure. I recoil into a smaller version of me, because I feel scared that if I showed up in life – just as I am – as my full self that I would scare the pants out of half the world and/or the other half would flinch in utter disgust.

Funny, I know, but consider how you may have played this out in your own life. How have you withheld an important fact or truth your partner should know or avoided facing into specific situations (I.e., calling your local politician or bill collector) to express yourself or clean up any mess you might have created?

Today, I commit to facing into life as it is, feeling any discomfort I may have and take full responsibility for how I show up in life. The classroom is yours as much as it is mine, today I invite you to express yourself fully, even if for 5-minutes. The reward - total satisfaction.

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