
Excuses Are No Longer Good Enough!

Excuses are no longer a good enough reason why I don't or can't have what I want. Yes, being content with what I have is important and not to be taken for granted; however, as I reach for more from a place of celebration, it is no longer okay for me to put excuses between me and my goals/desires.

As some of you may know, I recently got engaged. That's right! I am engaged to the man of my dreams (for real) and have the added luxury of being on the receiving end of his fantasy of dream boy, as well. Lucky we are! And, he has taught me a valuable lesson: Not only do I get to enjoy and co-create one of the most amazing, loving and inspiring relationships I know of, but I now believe in myself that I can really create (co-create) what my heart desires.

Stay with me, check this out: I ran into an old friend who I haven't seen for awhile and upon mentioning my new engagement, he said, "Nick James you truly deserve it more than anyone I know, for you have been talking about true love for as long as I have known you." Wow, what a shock, I have!? I guess so, here's what I got from our conversation: You really can have the life of your dreams, but you have to love yourself enough and believe you can create what you desire and you have all the power you need to do so.

I imagine most of us read that sentence and cringed, knowing we can, but never really giving ourselves full permission to dream big and actualize. So, if you can't believe in yourself, right now, take it from me: You can have and enjoy your heart's desire! I can recall years desiring for true love and now, I get to enjoy him and me to the fullest as I do so from a place of pure appreciation. I will never forget all the nights and days I wished for love and my number one actually came true.

So, if I can create this, what else can I create? And that's the invitation I offer to you! But guess what, here's the catch: You're already demonstrating huge amounts of power to create, you're results are showing you so. So, whether it's true love or the lack of, having millions of dollars or none at all, you're current results are showing you you're current unconscious commitments. Simply own, reclaim, feeling your feelings and re-direct your energy and intentions to what does feel good and what you desire.

I know, at this point, it's no longer enough for me to put anything but love between me and my partner, that same is true with all of my other goals and desires... here is the magic of everyday living illustrated – take the invitation. Simply make a commitment to being excuse-free, to no longer putting anything but love and celebration between you and your heart's desires.

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