
What if...

What if you could have the life of your dreams? What would you do?

What if you already are having the right experience to get you to the "places" you want to "go?"

What if you had a full-ride scholarship, so to say, to enjoying the life of your dreams? What would you be doing with all your time and energy?

To be continued...


~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

I would be getting paid to travel the world to experience full body wellness through ethnic foods/herbs, and cultural dance/ music. Leraning how to grow it, make it, dance it, play it....and then teaching what I've learned to thousands of people worldwide in fun and engaging workshops, demos and public talks...and be rich (in so many ways).

I'd also write a book to catalog these experiences!

Laughing Fawn said...

"What if you had a full-ride scholarship, so to say, to enjoying the life of your dreams? What would you be doing with all your time and energy?"

okay, juiciest question ever. I love it. gonna play with it.

thank you!