
There Is No Plan B For Life!

I was caught in a flurry of thought, when suddenly I took a deep breath and realized I was writing up the strategies for Plan B, when not fully participating in Plan A. To be specific, this was playing out in a relationship dynamic I am currently enjoying where rather than focusing all of my energy in my current commitments with my partner, I was writing up a back-door plan, just in case it doesn’t work out and therefore, setting myself up for inevitable failure.

I have been living in “what if,” as opposed to “what is.”

Obviously, I’m afraid and rather than facing my fear directly and with love, I have been distracting myself from my desired result by protecting myself from possible failure without even giving myself a chance to succeed. Oh, how is this ever familiar?

Although this is showing up in relationship, for me, I see how this plays out in every other aspect of life. The invitation: Get in or get out; make a choice to play the game of life fully and follow through into completion. As humans, most of us haven’t intentionally chosen to be here, consciously. Unless we have memory of our previous experience before birth, we tend to feel like we were just spit out on the planet to make it up as we go without a road map.

As a result, most of us haven’t made a conscious new choice to be here and clear up anything in the way of our ability to do so; therefore, we are spending a healthy dose of time in Plan B… whatever that may, depending on your particular flavor. We half-ass our way through life and every activity included instead of really showing up, even if it might be uncomfortable at times. Life is not about Plan B, in fact, there is no Plan B… just Plan A or all the distractions we engage in that keep us from fully enjoying the game of life.

Try this: "I consciously choose to be here and to be alive. "

Or not, but living in limbo isn't very useful. Either way, empower yourself by acknowledging where you are, today, and get clear about where and how you want to play. Then make the choice!


Anonymous said...

wow! thanks for sharing this Nicholas!

i love the idea that there is no plan B, only plan A... everything that we are currently committed to is our plan A -- whether we like it or not. so i am going to appreciate what i am currently creating and currently committed to and make adjustments if it's not to my liking. more sugar? less? do you wanna muffin with that?


Nick James said...

Chris, Exactly. Based on results, but I find often times I split myself and the trick is becoming aware of those parts of myself that want to be loved and acknowledge. It's like giving yourself a big teddy bear hug.